ネットから、借りたレビューです: ★ I bought for my Grade 2 daughter. She not only use it to search for new words but often reads it through. She does for it has many colourful illustrations that draw her interest. It contains good explanations and sample sentences for each definition. But we hope that it would have been better if it had more words than now. Often she needs to look in a bigger dictionary. ★I bought this book for an inquisitive 1st grader that I teach for Resource Room. The bigger dictionaries were just impossible for her, as she is a weak reader, but has a thirst for knowledge and words. The colors, pictures, and large print are all great for kids. It keeps them interested without overwhelming them. #小学生英語 #幼児英語 #英単語 #英語辞書 #英検3級 #絵辞書