Beverly Lloyd CEO/Founder

 Beverly Lloyd, Curriculum Specialist

Educator, author, curriculum specialist and founder of MAAT Institute, Beverly has a passion for educating through mediums of culture, history and communication skills! She served as English Language Arts Chairperson, Master Teacher, Advance Placement Teacher and Multicultural Coordinator for the Cleveland Municipal School District for 38 years. During her tenure she was a Team Leader for the Great Migration Project with Kenyon College. She took the project to another level when she wrote a grant to receive over $50,000 for a “Voices of Change” interdisciplinary project on “Gullah Island”. This project involved 50 students and 7 teachers in a 7 day educational experience in Charleston and Beau ford, South Carolina.  The pride of her tenure was her position as Afrocentric/Multicultural Curriculum Specialist for 11 years. She researched, wrote curriculum, provided Professional Development workshops and demonstration lessons to over 37 schools.

Also, she was a member of a team of educators that developed curriculum for the Ohio Department of Education’s Ohio Graduation Tests and Teaching Standards. Beverly was accepted as a Doctoral Candidate at Kent State University in Curriculum and Instruction.

She is currently retired and Co- founder of MAAT Institute, a consulting firm that promotes education, tolerance and cultural literacy.  She believes, “She who teaches, learns. He who learns, teaches”.

(African Proverb)